Reading Time: 2 minutes

A word out to those who are living the horrors of war, the fear of the unknown attack, the explosion, the rumble which may or may not signal our last breath on this meager earth, this lowly dwelling where we constantly seek to justify, search for and frame our existence.

We hear you, we see you, we feel you. We will never forget you.

I always used to say “do not give up hope”. Now I say, “who am I to ask such things of you?”.  You barely have the time to consider the next seconds of your life, let alone be able to breathe that yearned for ‘sigh of relief’, the literary exit door, that physical and mental relief, the day you pray will come without any palpable sign on the horizon.

I have no power to stop what is happening to you today. At least that what many of us think. It only takes one of us to stand up, to empower those who daren’t speak up and cause that domino to fall.

Be that person, have that courage.

To those who think they are powerless. You are not. We decide every day even if we relegate our choices to others’ perceived weakness, when in fact the truth lives within ourselves.

I cite no land, no people, no delimitation. Despite the blood that courses through all our veins and our exterior differences, we live behind our masks, we forget our unity. On our short journey in this world, we are distracted, we forget, we fall into the trap of disillusionment, the trap of emotion, addiction and greed. Do we choose or are we forced? Do we want or do others want for us?

The time has come for you and I to stand up, to choose, to speak up, to break the wall of silence. You are not alone. So many of us think we are trapped, but in reality our biggest enemy is our own fear and lack of courage. That fear is a mere thin membrane waiting for us to pierce, waiting for a sign to release our true feelings, to reveal our weaknesses, to show our common red blood. That fear is the same one we feel before we stand up and talk in public. Cast that burden aside and you will see the tangible horizon, the one to set yourself free.

Save our humanity. Question. Think. Rethink.

Stop being a sheep.

And you will inspire. Your words and actions will be the dominoes, the tsunami, the winds of change.

You can and will lead us to greener pastures. We can learn to see beyond our veneers of self-aggrandisement.

We do not plant, we are the very seeds of our own future.
